For the reasons on each see the or else it will be TLDR
Revised: 05/30/23, 12/20/22, 9/01/20, 08/24/20, 04/24/20, 06/27/13
Whereas we the people are created equal, and whereas we the people are endowed with certain inalienable rights, and whereas we the people instituted a government to secure these rights, and whereas we the people lay the foundation on such principles, and organize its power in such form, as to us shall seem most likely to effect the above objective, do require the following Bill of Rights for Voting Equality.
All citizens of the United States, attaining the age of majority in an election year, shall have the right to vote in any public election in the jurisdiction where they reside. (The age of majority shall be based on the YEAR and not the MONTH. Therefore if Your birth occurs after the election (Nov & Dec) you shall be permitted to participate that year.)
That right shall not be denied, abridged, suspended, or revoked, by the United States, any State, City, Judge, agreement, person, or Organization.
Furthermore, in order for the People to Form a more perfect union; the citizen’s input must be in all government decisions. Therefore all citizens at or exceeding the age of majority have the obligation to vote and shall consider elections as to have been summoned for that purpose.
An election will not be valid or verified until it is confirmed that all citizens have voted. -
EQUAL ACCESS/Money Out/ Poor v. Rich
All citizens shall have equal early voting hours in which to cast their vote. sufficient voting places, materials, and personnel shall be provided to reduce the voting time to within an hour
All citizens of the United States, residing in all states, shall have equal access, (the same requirements), to creating a political party and achieving a ballot line.
All candidates and parties of these United States shall have equal time constraints to qualify for ballot access.
All candidates must present proof of belonging to a party in order to use the party's ballot line for office. This proof shall be signed by the authorized person in the party registered with the Federal Election Commission
Verification of requirements met shall be submitted to a multi-partisan regulatory board, such as the Board of Elections.
All citizens that desire to be candidates, within these United States, shall register at their local Board of Elections.
The Board of Elections shall divide equally, the campaign tools for election purposes.
All tools must be properly labeled as having been provided by the revenue stream and not a direct private donation.
Corporations are NOT people and MONEY is not speech. Elections shall be publicly funded.
No private money may be used for a public office, or seat in the government. No ads may be purchased for the purpose of an election.
No candidates may appear in an ad for an election for themselves or others.
Candidate campaigns may not accrue profits or in-kind donations. -
All citizens must be able to verify that the vote has been counted accurately. All ballots must be ABLE to be counted by hand. (Hand counting may be used as verification if there is a challenge to the accuracy of another type of counting.)
All counting must be supervised by multi-partisan personnel and recorded. Candidates may request a recount if they believe there has been an error. Currently supporting the Dechert Method
cc) -
NOTE: The concept of a single-seat office as different from a multi-seat office, is as such: Multi-seat offices such as LEGISLATIVE branches must hold votes to make decisions. The single-seat office -EXECUTIVE- decides on its own.)
All citizens exceeding the age of majority shall have the right to be represented in the house of representatives, by the person of their choice, continuously without interruption..
a) One seat in the house legislative branch shall be added every thirty thousand in population.
b) Each state shall divide its population by 30,000 to determine its number of representatives.
c) Each Representative shall have the voting power equal to the number of citizens that voted for them. ...
d) Congress shall be unicameral, and the Senate shall be dissolved. -
The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States shall elect Representatives into the Congress in such number and such manner as it would be entitled if it were a State. (open to adding the population to Maryland or Virginia ) -
The Presidential/Vice-Presidential election (a SINGLE-SEAT OFFICE) shall be counted by (score or approval) counting.
bb) .
cc) -
The Judicial branch shall no longer be selected by the executive branch.
They shall be selected by a pool.; as is the jury.
Legal peers (parameters needed) will score judges based on criteria (parameters needed).
Each Federal district shall have its own pool. Applicants may submit their names for any district but run the risk of not being "known by their peers" in that area.
Judges with the highest scores (after meeting a threshold) will be placed on a list and used in the order that they arrived on the list. Repopulation of the list shall occur 60 days prior to an election.
Judges must have tried as lawyers a minimum of 3 years of criminal, 3 years civil, and 3 years on the bench to be eligible for the Supreme Court.
Judicial vacancies may not exist for more than 60 days. On the 61st day, there shall be an appointment.
Judicial appointments to the Supreme Court shall last for 25 years or until the year age 71 is /will be attained. -
Ending Minority/Majority power plays
Bills must be addressed in numerical order.
Bills must have a time limit such as 30 days for research, and then 30 days for the dissemination of said research, and 2-minute public comment; at the end of which time a vote on the bill must occur. -
Jury Duty
Jury duty participants are to be paid an hourly rate equal to their congressperson's salary.
A Jury must not consist of more than 5 Caucasian European descent White people or people who live as one by the ability to pass. The Jury must also contain at least one Native American, one African American, one Latin American and one Asian American.