I was considering this example from Warren Smith in which range/score gives a true dishonest optimal strategy. The reasoning is because in 2 likely ties an individual benefits from being a tie breaker. 2 liberals, 2 conservatives I vote with maximal strength for the liberal/conservative tie respectively which has 1 approval of my preferred liberal and 1 approval of my preferred conservative regardless of lib/cons preference.
In a STAR system this can be avoided with a {5,4,1,0} vote. For a marginal cost in the score round, using the second best and second worst slot guarantees a maximal vote in the runoff. This does not solve the problem, because now the problem occurs in 3-ways ties. This really rubs me the wrong way because STAR elections which combine a primary and general elections should have many clone candidates with high probabilities of near ties.
My question then is why not extend score-automatic-runoff? The two-round automatic runnoff was originally proposed as a combination of two existing methods I believe. In score-based voting the generalization of a runnoff is a min-max normalization of the remaining range. I was rather surprised that no proposed score voting system seems to use a min-max normalization since this is so applicable to auto-optimizing the dominate strategy. So a 3-canidate runnoff can be a perfectly fair score-based election, with the scores rescaled to reflect new optimal positions in absence of (as reflected by the first round score vote) irrelevant candidates.
3-canidate STAR-style runnoff example:

A voter has elected to use the middle values, this is not often strategically advantageous in plain score voting. If the max/min candidate is eliminated, the voter is no longer using the full range and therefore is not maximizing voting power. If the voter knew their min/max candidate would be eliminated, their second favorite/worst would take the spot. This is the underlying reason why score voting often strategically converges to approval. With this knowledge we can automatically rescale a strategically sub-optimal ballot to optimal.
The generalization of this dynamic min/max normalization means that a score ballot can have an arbitrary number of fair runoff rounds. An honest score vote has the property that score ≈ utility, so the biggest loser of a score election is very likely to be the worst candidate and makes a safe removal as an irrelevant candidate. The remaining votes behave optimally as if that candidate had never run. I don't think you would want to do this system as a full instant-runoff because that might re-introduce some of the same IRV problems. I'm inclined to believe some policy like top 3-5 or top 25% advance to dynamic rescaling runoff.
This method seems to be similar to MARS, serial approval, and Smith//score. I believe this is a strictly better version of repeated approval elections as it encodes the information of repeated approval rounds into a score ballot. Like MARS and Smith//score this method incentives ordinal positioning in a cardinal ballot. I think this Super-STAR method might have some advantages by retaining a score ballot the entire time. Unlike a strict pair-wise comparison the benefits of score's expression and strength of support are maintained the entire time. This method might also need a 0-99 ballot because it incentives using the entire scale. Candidates that would have been tied for 1st can be ranked 99,98,97 with the knowledge that if those 3 make it to runoff you are now automatically strategically voting 99,50,0.