Mike's blog
Blog 3/15/25
Let Trump have it all. Let him close all courts and lines of defense against tyranny BUT have our dynamic vote in place.
Put the approval rating system into high gear. Start tomorrow at midnight: if DT’s rating falls below 50%, he is no longer POTUS. He becomes the kingmaker of the next POTUS.
So, assuming DT has no interest in focusing on people, Ivanka is our new POTUS! Yay!
Not too fast IT. The approval rating system applies to you too. Make. The. People. Happy. Or else, tap your successor. Back to DT you say? Oh, brilliantly played you genius. Yes, you can pick whoever you want even someone so dull he cant figure out how to make half of all people happy.
DT is a lot of things but vanity is the main operator. Being fired sucks. So, what will he do?
He will do what’s necessary to keep in power. The only way to do this is to Make. US. Happy.
I don’t wish for DT to die, be imprisoned, be poor (although that would be fun). I wish to see him become a good person. You think impossible? Nothing is impossible. Especially when his guiding force is the people and not the business/media/bullshit circle jerk.
You say he will use the stick not the carrot? Sure he will be tempted to harass every person that votes against him. Since the vote is public, he can easily find those dissenters.
But you cant keep alll the people down all the time. The rich can buy elections by flooding our specified geographic lives with propaganda for weeks or months before an election. But not even dick head Musk has the money to fool all the people all the time.
Trump could try to steal dissenters votes. A quick tweak of the machinery and, presto, 112% approval all the time.
It is our duty and responsibility to establish democracy (world wide- It’s time to go all in here) and then to protect it every moment of our lives. There is no grey area: every single person has free, easy and clear access to VOTE NO and keep it that way. One person denied this access and were back to step one: Establish democracy, let the chips fall were they may.
There are many wishes for Trump but I urge you to join me in trying to make him change. Trump acting for once like a good person would be the greatest revenge of all. Stranger things have happened.
@mosbrooker Mike, this forum is for structured discussions on voting theory, not personal blog posts. If you want to share your personal thoughts in a blog format, you’re welcome to start your own blog elsewhere.
I understand. Will do.