We need three small, illustrative elections to demonstrate each ‘problematic’ box separately (avoid ‘Less Problematic’ Exhausted Ballots).
- ranking limit 3 (or 5 if easier to re-create)
- number of candidates 5 (or less if easier)
- all voters correctly rank all the ballots (no spoilers, no bullet voting)
- all voters rank all ranks within Ranking Limit (3 or 5)
article https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ASC5BS10rCfAYZWGeCyS7dKdKc4p5wwI6DHs4F7ScGc/edit
presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ipof9WSSy0GenVKWfKLu_jlYwUIT0TU0WVSAap0VZ5Q/edit#slide=id.g27f6bb33467_0_1
Comments, feedback - very much appreciated!