Thank you, @multi_system_fan, for your response. A good part of why I'm posting here (as opposed to trying to get an article published in a journal), is to get feedback on whether SAVE really could be as transformative as I think it might be. Your kudos are most welcome.
However, your critical remarks are even more welcome because I am driven to get SAVE out into the real world in active use, and so far my writing has not been up to the task. I welcome any and all question and criticisms because if I'm wrong it gives me the opportunity to correct my thinking and if I'm right but did not express myself clearly, it gives me a chance to correct my writing so the next people who read about SAVE won't stumble over my earlier lack of clarity.
My next post, prompted by @Jack-Waugh, was going to be the code for the tally process and the selection of the next focus. That is still in the works, but it is delayed because of the desire to write it in JavaScript. (The code started out in NetLogo, then I moved it to Python because the testing environment is better. JavaScript will make it possible to get working examples of the code accessible in a browser without having to over-burden a web-server, so it is a good move.) But since I don't yet know JavaScript, the conversion is taking longer than I had hoped.
So, while the tally code and logic should be up soon, I'll address your other points now.
a) The phrase "focused approval" is how I think of the process, but you are correct that it could also be thought of as a series of pairwise comparisons. The difference is a matter of perspective. If you look at the ballot as a series of questions, it is a series of pairwise comparisons.
However, if you think of the ballot as a way of eliciting voter preferences and you assume that voters could do the work of placing the alternatives in an ordered list, the term "focused approval" makes a bit more sense. Given a preference order, filling out an AV ballot is just a matter of drawing the line between what is approved and what is not approved. Once that line is drawn, every alternative above it is approved, and the rest is not.
What is happening with a focused approval vote, (and I got the idea from W.D. Smith's range voting paper from 2000), is a strategic AV ballot given a preference order and the assumption that the focus alternative is predicted to win. Under those circumstances, a strategic voter who was okay with that would set their approval threshold so as to approve the focus alternative and everything better. Similarly, a strategic voter who was not okay with the focus alternative would set their approve threshold to just exclude the focus while still voting for everything better because that would maximize the chances of a better outcome even if the voter did not really approve of some of the alternatives they were voting for.
As to changing the term, the "approval" part comes from AV and is accurate in terms of the way the ballots are aggregated. Any voting technology that can handle AV ballots can be used for SAVE, and I think AV is a very good system if you are limited to one round. I'm currently partial to the "focused" part, but I initially used "targeted approval" and have considered and rejected "front-runner approval". Another option is "strategic approval". My main objection to changing the name is changing the term in all the code and tests, but that's more friction than objection and if there's a better term now is a good time to make the change. Any suggestions?
b) The mandate round is a direct and personal response to US presidential politics and to statements made by G.W. Bush to the effect that his election (with the support of just a bit over 25% of the electorate in a low-turnout election) constituted an overwhelming mandate for all his policies, including those that were never mentioned by him in his campaign.
There are certainly elections in which the mandate round is neither needed nor desired, and I generally consider it optional. However, having it there serves two purposes. There are situations in which knowing the strength of the mandate of the final result and that of the other alternatives will make a difference in what happens after the election. For example, a mandate round will differentiate between a common ground that is unifying, and a weak compromise that still needs to be sold to the electorate. For those situations, actually measuring the mandates is important even if it doesn't change the outcome.
The other purpose is to clearly differentiate between voting for the best collective outcome (the final focus alternative) and actually supporting it. In my mind, this is important during times of social change. I might vote for a compromise I don't fully support, and then continue to work to change hearts and minds so the next time the moderate result is a little closer to my radical position. Under those circumstances, having a mandate round can be very useful. Yet even when knowing the mandates is not useful in itself, having the mandate AV round be separate from the focused rounds emphasizes the difference between finding a working compromise for the whole collective and clearly holding ones own opinions and preferences.
So yes, the mandate round is optional. But at this time I think it really should be included in the SAVE discussions, even if it isn't going to be used in all SAVE procedures.
c) In my mental models the "rest" include those alternatives I'm just not familiar with and those I only know a little about. For example, in 2007, my "rest" included both Tommy Thompson and Barak Obama. Over time, Obama left that category, while Thompson remains in it. If we widen the scope to all collective choice processes (for which SAVE is designed), we still start the process with categories of alternatives, some good, some not good, and some not yet known or considered, i.e. the rest. If we are using SAVE (or some SAVE-like system) we have the time to understand our choices, learn about other alternatives, and find or create an alternative that truly reflects our collective preferences. SAVE should also help us identify alternatives whose support is changing, providing some guidance on which of the "rest" alternatives worth further consideration.
d) I agree with you that over time our preferences do become more nuanced. I disagree with the idea of introducing more finely resolved scoring in SAVE for a few reasons. My issue with anything beyond binary choices is based on Arrow's possibility theorem for two alternatives (yes, we can choose between two alternatives), Arrow's general possibility theorem (a.k.a. Arrow's impossibility theorem, which points out majority cycles are possible when there are three or more alternatives), and the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem (stating any system with more than two choices is either manipulable or has a dictator).
In essence, and this deserves a longer discussion, SAVE is designed to get around the problem in AIT (majority cycles) by exposing them and giving voters choices regarding what to do about them. Those choices include both defeating the cycle by proposing an alternative that is collectively preferred over every member of the cycle thus making it irrelevant, and breaking the cycle through an explicit and overwhelming choice.
SAVE doesn't exactly get around Gibbard-Satterthwaite, but instead embraces it. SAVE is facilitating a choice from among multiple alternatives. GST declares that is manipulable. SAVE responds iteratively by proposing the focus alternative and guiding voters to vote in the one way that most strongly reflects their individual preferences. If the manipulated vote fails to select this particular focus, SAVE presents another choice: usually with another focus alternative. And again asks voters to manipulate their naive approval vote into a more sophisticated focused approval vote. The iteration continues until the manipulated vote supports the selection of the focus alternative.
SAVE goes beyond these impossibility results by embracing their truth and working with the underlying reality. But as far as I can tell, this only works with binary choices. I fear that adding multiple levels of support would cause exactly the problem you suggest and introduce unwanted tactical strategies.
I think this post is long enough (possibly too long), and anything further I might write would probably depend on a better understanding of exactly how SAVE determines the next focus. So for me, it's back to JavaScript. 
Again, thank you for your kudos and critiques. Please let me know if I've answered your concerns, and more importantly if I haven't.