Does anyone know if Begich may have been the Condorcet winner?
Hello folks,
Nic Tideman emailed me a few days ago, asking me this question.
The Burlington 2009 Hare RCV failure can happen when there is a close 3-way race.
I sure as hell do not know unless we can get the records of the individual ballot data for 188,582 ballots. Does anyone know where to get it?
r b-j
Begich was almost certainly the Condorcet winner among stated preferences (that is, going off of opinion polls prior to the election). Whether or not the bullet-voting rate was low enough for him to be the revealed Condorcet winner is yet unknown, I think. The Alaskan Division of Elections said in some tweet a few days ago that they would release full ballot data pretty soon (once all mail-in ballots are received and all counts are finalized) so I suppose we will find out then.
It will be interesting to see. And even more interesting to see what happens when they run again in a few months, given that this was more or less a RCV practice vote. Probably fewer bullet voters next time, which may work in Begich's favor.
I understand that Alaskan culture places a high value on respectfulness, and that's why some otherwise Republican-leaning voters may have chosen Peltota second to Begich, since Palin ran a very negative campaign.
It's interesting to see Palin claim that Republicans lost because the vote was split. If she's right, this may be less the fault of RCV than it is the fault of the fact that people bullet vote.