READ ME: Leadership and Council Decisions
Voting Theory Forum Council Members (6):
Sara Wolk (@SaraWolk) , David Hinds (@Marylander), Connor Frankston (@cfrank), Micah Fitch (@micahscopes), Toby Pereira (@toby-pereira), Sass (@sass).Moderators (6):
Sara Wolk. Connor Frankston, David Hinds, Micah Fitch, Gary Litke (@Hopedriven), Toby Pereira.Tech Committee
Tech Admin (3): Sara Wolk, Eric Wilhelm (@ewilhelm), Evans Tucker (@evanstucker)
Other Tech Committee: Arend Peter Casteleian(@ArendPeter), Jack Waugh (@Jack-Waugh), Ivan DelSol (user name not known,)Key Motions Passed in Council Meetings (all unanimous!):
Motion 1, v2: “To establish an independent organization with the purpose of owning and maintaining the online discussion forum.”
Motion 2 v2: “Move to establish and try to publish an online discussion forum based on the “NodeBB” forum software.”
Motion 3: “To do due diligence and apply best practices to protect and minimize the storage of PII of users, with these responsibilities explicitly delegated to specific responsible individuals trusted by the council/board.”
Motion 4: “Create a tech committee empowered to make non-controversial “technical decisions” on behalf of the group as needed, with the understanding that the council could revisit those decisions later if needed. The committee should consult the council on questions where the decision may be controversial.”
Motion 5: “Order of operations. 1. Pass bylaws. 2. Elect board. 3. Launch website.”
Motion 6: “Adopt categories list”
Motion 7: “Adopt Code of Conduct, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy.”
Motion 8: “Motion passed unanimously to coalition with Equal Vote and receive donations and pay expenses through Equal Vote account.”
Motion 9: "Motion that our moderators be empowered to vote to nominate and add new moderators as needed outside of council meetings using the same procedures as the council, but with a 2/3 threshold."
Motion 10: "Motion that our tech committee be empowered to vote to nominate and add new non-admin tech members as needed outside of council meetings using the same procedures as the council, but with a 2/3 threshold."Resources:
- Last Meeting's Minutes:
- Bylaws:
- Procedure Manual:
- Privacy policy. Ready for review.
- Terms of Service:
- Code of Conduct:
Last updated 4/30/2023