Phragmén's method used in Polkadot crypocurrency blockchain
I read a while ago that the Polkadot blockchain used Phragmén's method to do with its "staking" mechanism. See e.g. here and here. But I was looking on the EndFPTP Reddit the other day, and it turns out that a paper has been written about it. "Approval-Based Committee Voting in Practice: A Case Study of (Over-)Representation in the Polkadot Blockchain".
Essentially, 300 "candidates" are elected, which gives the potential for a high degree of PR. According to the paper, Sequential Phragmén, Sequential PAV, Method of Equal Shares and Phragmms all behave fairly similarly. I don't think I was previously aware of Phragmms. I'll have to look into it and potentially update the wiki.
I would also be interested in seeing how COWPEA Lottery performs. It is non-deterministic, but with 300 to elect, this is likely not to affect the result significantly. It also gains the advantage of being much cheaper to calculate, as well as passing the "Holy Grail" criteria of PR, strong monotonicity, Independence of Irrelevant Ballots (IIB) and the Universally liked candidate criterion (ULC).