@mkeypaige A lot of those topics have Wikipedia or Electowiki pages, which describe them quite well, and there are also YouTube videos which discuss a lot of them. Some of the later stuff I wouldn't even know what they are. But I'll give you some links.
Ranked voting - Wikipedia
Plurality system (also known as First Past the Post) - Wikipedia, CGP Grey video
Ranked Choice Voting (also known as Instant Runoff Voting, Alternative Vote among others): Wikipedia, CGP Grey video
Condorcet methods: Wikipedia, Carneades.org video
Borda Count: Wikipedia, Carneades.org video
Majority criterion: Wikipedia, Becky Moening video
Unanimity criterion: Wikipedia article on Pareto Efficiency, Eric Pacuit video
Condorcet winner criterion: Wikipedia, Carneades.org video
Monotonicity criterion: Electowiki article, Becky Moening video
IIA (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives) criterion: Wikipedia, Carneades.org video
Manipulability: Wikipedia article on strategic voting, Katherine Heller video
Random dictator: Wikipedia article, Carneades.org video
Approval voting: Wikipedia, CGP Grey video
That's the first section covered. Let me know if this is useful at all and I can get some links for the others.